LINK Journal

LINK Journal is a trans-disciplinary journal exploring [in-between] spaces, modes of communication, and translations within creative practices. An enquiry into future thinking and cultural shifts.

LINK Journal's first issue 'States of Matter' will showcase a unique creative collective of practitioners and creatives in the form of editorial, stories, case studies, and pictorials, to address a variety of topics; Materiality of digital systems - Exchanges of information mediated by the physical environment - Transparency of processes within creative project development - Embodied methodologies of digital environments.

It is exploring those through the discipline of design; speaking directly to how the practice of design and creative practitioners are intertwined with digital and ecological interactions.

LINK is a creative collaboration with Veronica Tran. Our combined interest in design literacy and method have started many conversations lead by thoughts, reflections and ideas. Those exchanges led us both to create and initiate this project to produce LINK Journal.

Get in touch with us if you'd like to ask a question, collaborate, or just say hi!

Support us by sharing the project around you or buy us a coffee to show your interest. By taking part in this community of creatives looking for change, you are helping us develop this project and bring it to a new form.

LINK website is alive and growing into a full documentation of the project.

Content Design

